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Introducing The Green Hub Project for Teens Garden

The Green Hub Project for Teens is a local community project that offer support for teenagers and their families / carers facing Social, Emotional and Mental Health challenges.

Through a range of activities, the garden will provide you with a safe and tranquil haven to come along to; to learn new skills, develop new relationships and to take much needed time out for yourself and to enjoy nature in a safe and peaceful place.

It’s amazing how rewarding and uplifting growing a plant from a tiny seed and just being involved in that process in the fresh air can be.

The Green Hub Project also recognise how hard it can be when one of your teens is struggling. This is why they are also have the Parent Hub to offer a safe space where you can talk with other parents and people dealing with the same situation.


Garden is at Luck’s Yard Clinic in Milford


Saturday sessions (1.5hour sessions) for 12 weeks - morning & afternoon options


Free to any teen who wants to participate and 11-18 with mild to moderate anxiety / mental health issues

How to join / enquire

Via Parent Referral form on their website



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