General Practice Data for Planning and Research
UPDATE 10/06/2021 - At present, the date to return your opt-out form has been delayed to 30th June 2021. This may change further considering the new date of 1st September but we will keep you updated.
UPDATE 08/06/2021 - The collection of patient data has been delayed until 1st September 2021. You can still complete the opt-out form below but it isn't as time-sensitive now that the date has been altered.
For more information regarding the change of date, please visit: Collection of GP Data for Planning and Research to go ahead on 1 September 2021 - NHS Digital
You may have seen some information in the press recently regarding the NHS sharing patient data for the purposes of research and planning. This data will be used to improve health and care services and can help the NHS to:
· Monitor long term safety and effectiveness of care
· Plan how to deliver better services
· Prevent the spread of infectious diseases
· Identify new treatments and medicines through health research
The access to your data will be controlled by NHS Digital and extraction of the data will start on 1st July 2021.
If you do not want your data to be shared you can opt-out; you will need to do so before 23rd June 2021. You can do this by completing the form at the link below and returning it to the practice.
Data protection law states that we must tell our patients how we use their personal information – you can read our Transparency Notice by visiting
You can also read our Privacy Notice at - this link will give you all the information you need including what data will be shared and how to opt-out.
General information regarding National Data Opt-out can be found by visiting the following website: