The GP Consultation Reimagined: A Tale of Two Houses

If you are wondering what Binscombe doctors do on days when they are not in the practice, sometimes they spend the time catching up on life, resting or looking after their family, and sometimes they are involved in other work or engaged in projects. Martin Brunet used to teach GP Trainees when he wasn't in the practice on a Thursday, but gave up that role 18 months ago in order to write a book about the GP consultation. This was published at the beginning of June by Scion Publishing Ltd.
Although the book has been written for healthcare professionals who work in primary care, we thought our patients might like to hear the news about the book. If you want to know more about it then you can 'look inside' on Amazon, and there is also a website
If anyone would like to buy the book, it is £19.99 on Amazon, but we have some copies for sale at the practice for a reduced price of £15, just ask at reception.