A Practical Approach to End of Life Care

On Saturday 22nd April, Dr Karen Jones and Dr Martin Brunet will be leading a morning seminar on End of Life care, hosted by Godalming Baptist Church. from 10 am-12 noon with coffee from 9.30 am.
The morning is suitable for anyone who has been, or will be affected by what happens when someone is dying - which means everyone really! Come along out of interest, or to have some questions answered. Please follow this link to find out more.
There is no charge, but it would help to know numbers, so please drop an e mail, or phone the church to let us know that you would like to come:
Please contact: Sally Pollard (email: pollard3@hotmail.co.uk), Janet Fry (janetfry1@gmail.com) or the Administrator of Godalming Baptist Church (Mon., Wed. or Fri. mornings), on 01483 422105 (office@gbc.btinternet.com)