Patient Online Access
Registering for online access can allow you to book appointments online, or order prescriptions by viewing your medication record. To register you will need to provide photo identification and proof of address, and the online access is via an extrernal website called Patient Access. You can request repeat prescriptions without registration on our website.
As of April 2016 it will also be possible for patients to have online access to all coded data in their GP records. This includes:
• Demographic data
• Investigation results including numerical values and normal ranges
• Problems/diagnoses
• Procedure codes (medical and surgical procedures/operations) and codes in consultations (symptoms and signs)
• Biological values (eg Blood Pressure, Peak Flow Rate)
• Immunisations
• Medication
• Allergies and adverse reactions
• Codes showing referrals made or letters received
• Other codes (eg ethnicity, Quality and Outcomes Framework)
If you have already registered to have access to appointments and medications you will need to reregister for this extra access, and will need to provide photo ID and proof of address again for security reasons. Online access to medical records can only be authorised by a GP and therefore access cannot be granted immediately. Only people aged 16 and over can register for this service.
Please note that while there can be real benefits from being able to access your record like this, there are things to consider as well before signing up - for instance you may come across a result or something in your notes that seems worrying and causes you anxiety, and if the practice is closed when you access your notes then you may be left worrying over a weekend until you can speak to your doctor. You will also need to be very sure that no-one else will be able to have access to your passwords, or log on to your record on a shared computer.
Please speak to reception if you would like to know more about access to your record.
Register for increased online access
Book appointments
Order repeat prescriptions
View some of your medical record
For patients aged 16 and over