Older People
At Binscombe we aim to give the very best care to older people, and recognise the importance of having a long-standing relationship with a doctor you know and trust. For this reason, all patients at Binscombe have a named doctor who is usually responsible for their care; this is especially important for older people and those with longterm health conditions.
If you are not sure who your usual doctor is, or would like to speak to a doctor about it, then please contact the surgery in the usual way.

Useful contact if you need support
Ruth Jansen is our community matron who works with older people, supporting them in their own homes and helping to co-ordinate care needs. She can be contacted through the district nurses office on:
0300 303 4739
For help at home if things are difficult
Contact social services on:
0300 200 1005
Charities and Support
Age UK - everything useful to help older people to live well
Dementia Day centre in Haslemere - and support at home from Dementia Navigators
Our local day Centre in Farncombe
Farncombe and Binscombe Good Neighbours Scheme - help for getting to appointments
Community Meals Service - Offering cooked meals straight to your door

Support for Carers
If you are a carer for another person it is worth your own doctor knowing about this. We will mark this on your records, so that we know that you are undertaking this role, and can put you in touch with local support if you would like us to.
You are also entitled to a flu vaccination if you are a carer.
Further information can be found on the action for carers website (including practical support such as someome coming to give you a break for a few hours):
Carers Direct Helpline 0300 123 1053: offers all-week telephone support and advice to carers in regard to their own support and safeguarding and protection of the individuals they care for. Further information can be found here: www.nhs.uk
Information about our 2017 Flu clinics will appear here later in the year
Power of attourney
As you get older, it is worth asking yourself the question - 'What if I suddenly became too unwell to manage my affairs? Would my family be able to pay my bills and make decisions for me?' Unless you give people the legal power to do this, the answer if likely to be 'no'.
To make sure that your family can do things on your behalf you might want to appoint someone to have lasting power of attourney. this can be for financial matters alone, or also over health decisions. Here are details about how to go about this.
Dementia Resources
Our Plan, Planning the Journey - useful advice about forward planning with dementia