Design a Stunning Blog
When it comes to design, the Wix blog has everything you need to create beautiful posts that will grab your reader's attention. Check out...

Grow Your Blog Community
With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. That’s why the Wix blog...

Interpretation and Translation Patient Survey
We really want to hear your thoughts on what a good interpreting and translation service could look like for you when attending your GP...

Free Hearing Aid Service in Farncombe
If you have an NHS hearing aid that could do with a service, there are drop in clinics at St John's Church in Farncombe, held once a...

New Art for the Waiting Room
We are thrilled to have the loan of this stunning artwork, produced by a collaboration of local artists keen to enhance the spaces we all...

Local Charities and Support
Many of our patients will remember our former partner Dr Chris Jagger, who retired 10 years ago, and will be glad (and not the least bit...

Walking for Health Christmas Party!
The Walking Group will be holding a Christmas Party next Tuesday, 11th December from 12-2pm (immediately after the walk( ad Farncombe...

Alive N Kicking
Alive N Kicking is a highly successful Surrey-wide programme to help encourage healthy living in children and young people, especially...

Art Space Dates for 2019
The Art Space is now moving into its third year, continuing to meet on Saturday morning a month at Godalming Baptist Church and is open...

Walking Group Christmas Dates
The Walking for Health group meets every Tuesday, come rain or shine, but Christmas Day and New Year's Day both fall on a Tuesday this...