Christmas Opening Hours
Please note that the surgery will be closed from Friday 25th December and will reopen on Tuesday 29th December. We will also be closed on...

Alone at Christmas?
If you know of anyone who will be alone at Christmas and would like some friendly contact on Christmas Day, our local churches are...

Covid Vaccine - Information for Patients
There is currently a lot of information in the news regarding the vaccine for Covid-19 and we have been made aware that practices can...

Coronavirus Advice for Parents & Carers of Babies & Children
During the pandemic it can be confusing knowing what to do if your child is unwell. Please refer to the following links which contain...

Helping your children when they are poorly
When your children are poorly, you might worry about what’s wrong and what you can do to help them get better as soon as possible. The...

Flu vaccines for 50-64 year olds
Following the announcement tfrom the health secretary on 20 Nov we are awaiting further updates regarding flu vaccine supplies and...

Covid 19 Update - Message to Our Patients
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a challenging time for everyone and all of the team at the surgery would like to say thank you to our...

Need help looking for work?
Looking for a new job can be daunting at the best of times, and is likely to be especially hard at the moment. Getting some support can...

Getting your prescription in time - 3 working days and the NHS App
Running out of your medicines is clearly not a good idea, and it can be stressful to think that you might end up without them. We...

Maintaining Independence & Wellbeing During the Pandemic
Have you been impacted by Covid-19? If you are feeling anxious, lonely or isolated there are local services available to help you. ...