Job Club - a route to a new future?
Many people have changed jobs in the last couple of years as the pandemic has had a big impact on the labour market; but getting a job is...

Seed sowing at Farncombe Community Garden Saturday 7th May
Following a really successful working party this week, Farncombe Community Garden will be drawing the community together on Saturday 7th...

Local Pharmacy Opening Times - Upcoming Bank Holidays
Please see below for information regarding opening times of pharmacies across Surrey, over the Easter weekend and on Monday 2nd May.

Hold the date for a new Binscombe Seminar!
Growing Old Disgracefully Holding on to what matters with increasing age Dr Martin Brunet Saturday 8th October 2022 10am-12 midday...

Godalming Art Space is happening again
Godalming Art Space, a monthly opportunity to find space in your life to be creative, is restarting. Although our involvement in the...

Support for people who are deaf
We have updated our page for people who are deaf, particularly looking at how to help ensure there are good channels of communication for...

Farncombe Community Garden is happening! Public Meeting on Sunday 20th March at 3pm
We are We are delighted to say that we have made fantastic progress with the garden project in the last couple of months and are now...

Covid-19 - Changes to Guidance & Restrictions
From Thursday 24th February, Covid restrictions are being lifted as the Government's Living With Covid plan is implemented. There are...