Practice Closure for Staff Training
It is important for us to ensure we keep our knowledge up to date and staff training is a vital aspect of this. The surgery will be...

Flower arranging workshop
As a fund raising event for Farncombe Community Garden there is a fantastic opportunity to learn about the art of flower arranging from a...

Introducing The Green Hub Project for Teens Garden
The Green Hub Project for Teens is a local community project that offer support for teenagers and their families / carers facing Social,...

Update re The Cateran Yomp from Dr Cook
Last Saturday 1200 soldiers, Veterans and mad civilians set off walking at 6 am from Blairgowrie in the Cairngorms of Scotland . It was a...

Binscombe Pharmacy
The team at Binscombe Medical Centre are very aware that Binscombe Pharmacy has been experiencing some operational issues recently, and...