The Friends and Family Test
We would very much like to know what you think about the practice, so that we can learn what we do well, and what we could do better.
If you are a patient at Binscombe and have had a recent appointment at the practice then you can leave feedback about your experience. We usually send patients a text after an appointment to make it easy to do this, but so that we don't bombard people with texts, you will only get a text after an appointment if we have not sent you one in the previous 6 months. If you would prefer to leave feedback in a non-digital format, or would like to leave feedback when you don't get a text, then you can use a paper form that we keep at reception.
You can also leave feedback about the practice on the public website NHS Choices so that people looking for a practice in our area can learn from your experience at Binscombe. The link to our page on the NHS Choices website can be found here.