Farncombe Community Garden
The garden dream becomes reality
Farncombe Community Garden is an exciting community project that has really started to take shape in 2022. Although the project idea has come from the practice, the garden is open to all in the community and is very much being directed by the community. We have a board of trustees and a management committee that are meeting regularly to work on both the practical design of the garden and the background work that is required for such an ambitious project.
We are now the legal tenants of the garden site with a 15 year lease from Surrey County Council who own the land, have been recognised as a registered charity by the charity commission and are meeting regularly on site every Saturday morning from 10-12noon as we prepare the ground work.
If you would like to get involved, or to join us at the garden then please take a look at our website www.farncombecommunitygarden.org to find out more and sign up to our news feed if you would like to stay in touch!
You can also follow us on Facebook so do take a look and follow the page to keep abreast of what we are up to.

The garden is sited on a previously unused piece of land adjacent to Broadwater Lodge Care Home

The land is set back from Summers Road and surrounded by lovely mature trees. It is bordered by the care home, the railway line to the North West and a stream on its North East border.